May 30 2013
Setup a Current Cost EnviR energy monitor to upload to
I wanted to setup my Current Cost EnviR energy monitor to upload to I already have my solar generation uploading. It took a while to get it working because I could not find a few small pieces of information that I needed.
I could not find out what software pulled the data from the EnviR and created the log files for pvoutput integration service. It turned out that pvoutput integration service does this you just need to configure it.
One piece of vital information that was missing (or I could not find it) you need to create a folder for the EnviR log files (like c:/logs/CC) otherwise the pvoutput integration service will not start and you will see this below in pvoutput\logs\pvoutput.log
Startup Error: Number of directories must match number of formats
All I changed was the com port to 10 (one the EnviR using).
Aug 5 2013
Daily backup of Cisco router to ftp server
Today’s job was to configure a daily backup of our Cisco routers configuration to an FTP server. The setup we have here are a number of Cisco ADSL routers connected to head office via a IPSEC VPNs.
The good news is you do not need to purchase utilities or software.
1. If the router is remote to the ftp server you will most likely need to tell the router which interface to use (for us it is BVI1).
router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#ip ftp source-interface BVI1
2. Create a policy-list, backup_ftp is just the name of the policy and following are the commands to run.
router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#kron policy-list backup_ftp
router(config-kron-policy)#cli show run | redirect
3. Tell the router when to run and what polices to run (5:00AM every day).
router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#kron occurrence daily_backup at 5:00 recurring
router(config-kron-occurrence)#policy-list backup_ftp
Building configuration…
Hope it helps someone.
By sysadmin • Cisco, IT • 0